
Beautiful....and how we define it

Good morning all...
I have been spending time praying this week for people who have CONSISTENTLY been there for others, who are ALWAYS THE STRONG ONES....and who right now, need others.

It got me thinking about the word, beautiful....and what the society we live in, defines as beauty.

I am referring to the angels on earth kinds of folks, who have ALWAYS been there to clean up others' messes. They function in roles to care for the ill in life....OR in an assisting role to those who do the actual hands on care for others, or trying to be an example for others....or in lives of complete service.

Many of these folks, also care for others in their families, who cant do everything needed for themselves..... and constantly, I know they've been told, they're beautiful souls.

Yet, when something drastic happens, and they need help, people have a holy makerel....oh my way! reaction.... and in some minds, beauty pales. Strength diminishes....   humanity reveals itself. And then, they arent seen with the same light. Or when something bad in the past comes up....folks back off.  Perfection...disapears.

We all enjoy seeing human intrest stories....where theres a happy ending....and God shines like the brightest day. Its how we define 'beautiful'. Its usually only in the good outcome we see it....

Here's something to think about.  Jesus WASNT seen as a beautiful angel/prophet/Savior when he walked among us.  He did WONDERFUL things for people who were in need. He was there for everyone...
But he was looked at as a rebel. A troublemaker.... a threat. A criminal. Someone who was mocked for breaking God's laws....

His death was barbaric...and he said and did things that made people mad. Because he shook the very ground they stood on....and what they defined as beautiful.

What do we call him today?  Beautiful Savior.
God re-defined Jesus for HIS eyes.....instead of ours.

Guys....  people fall off pedestals WE choose to put them on, in our own minds....
We define people as 'right' 'wrong' 'good' 'bad'
And we're a very fickle society.  A GOOD person....becomes bad, in a heartbeat in our world.  In our relationships, trust is like glass... and once its broken, we become often like the crowd, shouting 'CRUCIFY HIM'!  Sadly....Sometimes we wait around to see the fallout.... and we relish it when failure happens.....if 'beautiful' goes by the wayside.

Its a good thing the Lord and Lady see "beauty" differently.  I know if they judged me by human standards....I would be in trouble. I cant stand on a pedestal. I make a mess of my life sometimes.....  And, I've been judged and looked at like I'm on a path to destruction in my life.....

I'm reminded of what Christ said to the two criminals who were crucified with him:

"This day I tell you, you will be with me in Paradise...."

I think we need to re-define beautiful.....
Beauty exists in those who have made the biggest mistakes possible in the world.

Beauty exists in being there for each other. And one 'bad' event in life, doesnt erase the beauty of that life....that relationship in God's eyes.....

Christ asked 'Father forgive them, for they know not what they do"....  he forgave, and recognized the beauty in those who took his life.

Beauty is in forgiveness.....and in walking away from things that make us define it any other way.....

Sending love....blessed be

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