
Walking between two veils......the me that used to be....and the me I am becoming. And ye harm none.....

After feeling the love wash over me when I had my NDE.....there is no other way to be, and live this life the way we are meant to live it. I'm working on really recognizing what I can control, and what I can't.....and speaking my heart honestly.  Communicating what hurts....trying not to do so in anger, even when invited.

 I'm FAR from perfect. There are times I yell, there are times I am snarky....and I say and do things that I need to work on handling better. There are times I let worry, earthly riches, and the murkiness that surrounds us in this world envelop me--even though I know its no good to do so.

 I own that now....where before, I felt it was an outside thing--temptation that came from outward sources.  It's only temptation when I allow it to be.  Dark sides of everything exist....and that includes with our inner selves. But does that mean we always have to invite it to affect?  Especially when things we are tempted to re-live keep on re-surfacing in our lives?  Why revisit the pain when the lesson has been learned?

 I've learned,  that even doing  that comes from inside me....and I'm trying to immediately recognize it...and work on my actions.  It doesn't attack from outside me.....I attack myself and invite it to affect me.  Yes....dark is a part of life....but I am learning not to let it carry me.....and that includes things in my own past.  It does no good to me if I hold myself hostage.  I'd rather transform from that dark....and move forward in hope to a better future!

One of my favorite 'One does not need to attend every argument to which he or she is invited."  (And that includes arguments within our own beings.)

I am making the conscious choice each and every day to walk in love......and that includes loving well as those I've allowed to affect me in the past.

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